After six months of study, most students can expect to:
* Understand basic elements of music and employ them in performance (melody/harmony, rhythm, dynamics, and timbre)
* Sight read notes and values at appropriate level
* Play major and minor scales in keys of C, F, G, D, and B Flat
* Play two and three part music from Book One. Some students may also start
Book Two
* Understand elementary chord theory
* Improve sight-singing and listening skills
* Utilize technique that allows fluid hand movement and beautiful tone
After one year of study, most students can expect to:
* Complete Book Two
* Perform two, three and four part material, including musical styles from the baroque, classical, romantic, contemporary,
jazz, and pop literature
* Further understand musical elements including texture and form
* Begin composition and improvisation
* Improve technical skills, including sight reading
* Play all scales
* Perform with stronger sense of musicality
* Use basic music theory and sight singing to enhance skills
Every student has individual issues that are addressed in the lessons. These may include: hand/eye coordination difficulties, reading skills, translation of musical notes to symbols, arthritis, back and neck weaknesses, etc. For these students, the learning curve might be altered, but when the concepts are integrated, most students catch up quickly.
Progress is dependent upon regular practice outside of the weekly lessons.